Black and White the two words that no one dare say in South Africa. Saying that I am disgusted with the recent racial outbursts on social media is an understatement.
Can't we just stop? Just stop it. For me, for you, for our children, for our families and for every South African's future.
I have not forgotten that we are a rainbow nation with Indians, Coloured and even Chinese South Africans, I honestly feel like these nations understand democracy because they are the only ones getting along.
I am not saying that the stories I read about black on white racism does not upset and terrify me, but we all just need to take a step back and realise we are destroying everything democracy stands for if we don't stop this madness.
In South Africa we have been past apartheid for more than 20 years and I honestly think that its time we start moving on.
Yes, I am white and yes you are black, that does not make me more important than you and that does not make you more entitled than me, I am South African and so are you.
I was born in 1988, by the time apartheid was over I was two years old.
Fellow South African can you please tell me what that two year old girl that just wanted to play with her dolls, go to school to learn her ABC's, be with her friends, dream about her wedding and going to university one day do to you? Yes you, you who hate her so much?
Since when is she not allowed to get a job because of her skin colour? She is also smart, she is also talented, she is also willing to work her way to the top? Her parents didn't give her a trust fund or pay for her studies?
If you were born after 1990, you were born into democracy, which means you went to school the same as I did. You were allowed to go to university the same as I did, you can have any job you want or become anything you dream of the same as I do. Why should it just be handed to you because of your skin colour or it be denied to me because of my skin colour?
Is it my fault you didn't stay up late and get up early to study for your metric or your degree? No, that is your fault. You had the opportunity and you messed it up, don't blame me, don't blame the ANC, don't blame apartheid. Take a good look in the mirror and blame the person staring back at you. Blame yourself for not taking your finger out of your ass and working for it like the rest of the world does.
Just like the white girl who was my friend in high school that can't find job cause she is not qualified and didn't finish school. That was her decision not mine. Does she blame me for it? No. She knows very well that she made her bed and she will now sleep in it.
I am so tired of white people thinking they are the only ones entitled to live in fancy houses and drive German cars, why are the black people who actually worked two jobs to pay for their degrees not allowed to earn that? I am just as tired of black people thinking that they are entitled to get everything for free and they don't have to work for it because they are black.
We all need to stop blaming apartheid and start blaming racism.
Sharing posts on social media about what another racist said is not going to make anything better, you are just contributing to racism. You are causing an outrage, your commenting on a racist remark instead of following the correct route of reporting it to the Human Rights Commission, is not contributing to fighting racism.
In light of the above, do something good with your time, add value to society.
Penny Sparrow is a very good example of someone starting a public shit storm and not knowing what the consequences of her actions are...
Dear Penny here is my response to your comment:
"#PennySparrow just like you are entitled to free speech you are a racist and an idiot for starting something that is going to take months to fix. You deserve everything that comes your way for making a stupid decision to voice your racism to the public. You have not just offended my fellow black South Africans but also the ones who have to live with the consequences of your actions as a white South African. "
If you see a racist post on Facebook -
1. Submit it to the Human Rights Commission to investigate
2. Report it to Facebook so they can remove it.
and lastly....
If you want to help fight racism on social media please share this post.
If you want to help fight racism on social media please share this post.